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About Breast Cancer Yoga

Dianna RossBreast Cancer Yoga LogoBreast Cancer Yoga Logo

Breast Cancer Yoga was founded in 2010 by Diana Ross E-RYT 500, with the intent to offer a supportive holistic approach to breast cancer. Her wish is to share her knowledge of how to heal, which is what sets her program apart from similar businesses.

Breast Cancer Yoga is family-owned and operated. Since the company opened in 2010, we have treated every customer like they were a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but only our services come with a true personal touch. That's why we are the best.

The vision for Breast Cancer Yoga is to offer "comfort and hope" to women in recovery. It is Diana’s wish that by offering a gentle restorative yoga, special breathing exercises, and medicinal complementary therapies that you begin to heal, on ALL levels. She wants to share healthful life choices based on reliable knowledge. We want to be part of your recovery and be a source of comfort and hope.

Breast Cancer Yoga Students

Breast Cancer Yoga offers healthy lifestyle tools for breast cancer prevention and recovery with therapeutic yoga poses, breathing exercises that bringing together the mind, body, and spirit.

We offer support for breast cancer recovery and lymphedema managing with our extra gentle yoga series. You can now learn a wide range of poses specific for breast cancer and lymphedema.

Another aspect of a yoga is learning and practicing breathing techniques for fatigue and stress relief. Techniques include breathing through one nostril at a time and focusing on your breath as it enters your nose and fills your lungs.

Breast Cancer Yoga Classes

Breast Cancer Yoga hosted by A Jewel in the Lotus yoga. We are committed to sharing our knowledge of restorative yoga. Our special events are led by our own acclaimed registered yoga therapist Angela Strynkowski. Please join us in celebrating the infinite variety of healing yoga poses in these informative and often transformable breast cancer yoga workshops. Pre registration required.

Breast Cancer Yoga Workshop - Restorative Yoga for Survivors and their Caretakers


The vision for Breast Cancer Yoga is to offer “comfort and hope” to women in recovery. Breast Cancer Yoga combines gentle restorative yoga, special breathing exercises, and medicinal complementary therapies that support you in your recovery and healing - on ALL levels. BCY shares healthful life choices based on reliable knowledge. Breast Cancer Yoga also offers healthy lifestyle tools for breast cancer prevention and recovery with therapeutic yoga poses and breathing exercises that bring together the mind, body and spirit. 

Upcoming Sessions TBA


"In 2009 I was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer this devastating diagnosis was crushing and began my search for a way to improve my quality of life living with cancer and the toxic treatments that go along with it.

I began with Meditation Practice and Amma Massage unfortunately the fatigue the treatments cause is at times debilitating so I started attending Restorative Yoga workshops and classes locally in an effort to combat some of the effects of treatment these restorative practices did help, at the same time I signed up for various breast cancer blogs and newsletters, then the email came from Angela informing me that Breast Cancer Yoga would be available at the Jewel in the Lotus, I was so excited to start the series of restorative practices targeted for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors.

I have been attending these practices with Angela, Paula and Samantha at the Jewel in the Lotus Studio for several weeks now and the results have been amazing the fatigue from treatment is much more manageable the chemo hangover is almost nonexistent and my energy level although not back to pre cancer days it is pretty close some days.

I am so grateful for the opportunity and that email from Angela to have these restorative practices available to me and the loving care I feel from everyone at the Jewel in the Lotus and now consider these practices an essential part of my treatment plan, I have been spreading the word at my oncologists office and infusion center about these practices in an effort to help other Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors.

God Bless You."

PJ Looby
Islip Terrace, NY