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Instructor Training

A Jewel in the Lotus Teacher Trainings & practice Enhancement programs will be hosted by:

RYS Yoga Alliance 200 Logo

Angela Strynkowski &
A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga School
Yoga Alliance Recognized

RYS Yoga Alliance 300 Logo

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow... Learn as if you were to live forever."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Teacher Training and Yoga Instructor Certification.

A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Instructor Training

There are numerous Yoga Training options with A Jewel in The Lotus Yoga. A student of Yoga can choose to deepen One’s Practice and Understanding of Yoga by attending the various Workshops that will be included and integrated into the Teacher Trainings. Existing Yoga Teachers may attend one or many of the various Workshops in order to receive Continuing Education Credits with Yoga Alliance for their existing Certification to stay current. There will be a 200 Hour Teacher Training which once completed will give the student the tools and credentials needed to teach Yoga. The additional 300 hour advanced training will give the graduate a 500 hour Yoga Teacher Certification.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at A Jewel in the Lotus

Click here for upcoming Teacher Training Courses

We feel so excited to be bringing these programs to our community!!

The physical aspect of Yoga is a strong piece of Yoga, however, it is not considered to be the only part of this Yoga. A Jewel in the Lotus Yoga understands individuals have unique needs that should be addressed in order to reach the state of Yoga. Hatha Yoga (Physical Yoga), Jnana Yoga (Study of Texts and oneself), Karma Yoga (Selfless service) and Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Yoga) are all cultivated. The student of A Jewel in the Lotus Yoga is encouraged and taught to incorporate all aspects of Yoga into One's Practice and Life.

This is the foundation Yoga Training in order to become a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher.

The physical aspect of Yoga is a strong piece of Yoga, however, it is far from all that is Yoga. A Jewel in the Lotus Yoga understands individuals have unique needs that should be addressed in order to reach the state of Yoga. The Hatha Yoga (Physical Yoga) taught is a Vinyasa Yoga based on the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya. This lineage and this Yoga incorporates Vinyasa Yoga based on the Ashtanga Vinyasa System, Alignment-based Yoga (Iyengar Yoga), Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy (Viniyoga). Jnana Yoga, the study of various texts and philosophies is encouraged. Karma Yoga, selfless service, is practiced within one's circle of life and one's community to ultimately realize the connection between the individual Self and the world. Bhakti Yoga, or Devotional Yoga is also cultivated through commitment to the practice of Yoga Asana, Meditation, Mantra and chanting.

The student of A Jewel in the Lotus Yoga is encouraged and taught to incorporate all aspects of Yoga into one's practice and life.

This Training will include:
  • In-depth teaching of Yoga Asana with its numerous benefits to the physical body and energetic system. Yoga philosophy with an emphasis on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita.
  • Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology taught to be easily and intelligently applied to an individual’s Yoga practice and teaching.
  • The teachings of the Chakra system taught so the student can understand how this energy system relates to anatomy, physiology, Asana, Meditation and overall wellbeing.
  • Various types of Pranayamas, Bandhas , Mudras and Kriyas will be introduced.
  • Nutrition will be introduced in this TT in a way that aligns with the science and philosophies of Yoga as well as the individuals’ needs.
  • Various forms of Meditation and relaxation techniques will be taught so that the student will be able to be apply them into everyday living, practice and teaching.

By the completion and Graduation of this training the student of A Jewel in the Lotus Yoga will know how to “thread” asana, anatomy and physiology, bandhas, pranayama, philosophy, Meditation and relaxation to confidently and clearly teach Yoga!!

Click here for fee schedule

300 Advanced Teacher Training

You can take up to two years to complete your intermediate 300 hour program by combining it with many of our other programs.

This Teacher Training will follow a 200 Hour Teacher Training. Whether you are a student transferring from another Yoga school or continuing your studies with A Jewel in the Lotus, you will be taught all that is needed to become a 500 RYT with Yoga Alliance. The 300 Hours can begin when you complete your 200 Hour Basic Teacher Training.


  • A Yoga Alliance Recognized 200 Hour Certification.
  • Regular attendance at Yoga Classes with Angela, Diana and AJITL teachers as well as various teachers from other studio approved by Angela.
  • Reading and assignments must be completed.


  • Each Month there will be Workshops dedicated to the Advanced Training.
  • The 300 Advanced Training can begin in December or when you have completed a Yoga Alliance
  • Recognized 200 hour Teacher Training from a Registered Yoga School. You can take two years to complete the 300 hour advanced training although it is allowed to be done in one year according to the standards set by Yoga Alliance and Our school.
  • A commitment to strict record keeping is essential for the Advanced Training's. All Advanced study students should check in monthly to update personal record keeping with the director of records.

Click here for fee schedule

500 Advanced Teacher Training

The 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training begins after graduating from the 200 hour Teacher Training certification, you can take two years to complete the 300 hour Advanced Training, although it is allowed to be done in one year.


  • One year of previous Yoga Practice/experience.
  • Regular attendance at Yoga Classes with Angela and Diana as well as various teachers approved by Angela.
  • Reading and assignments must be completed.
A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Instructor Graduates

Each Month there will be Workshops dedicated to the Advanced Training. The 300 Advanced Training can begin when you have completed a Yoga Alliance Recognized 200 hour Teacher Training from a Registered Yoga School. You can take two years to complete the 300 hour advanced training although it is allowed to be done in one year according to the standards set by Yoga Alliance and Our school.

A commitment to strict record keeping is essential for the Advanced Training. All Advanced study students should check in monthly to update personal record keeping with the director of records.

Click Here for our Instructor Training Schedule

If you are interested in private instructor training, please message or call us.